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Royki's Little Garden
6 juillet 2017

In my garden grows...

In my garden grows...
2017 is peas and potatoes! I have been away for a while with so many things keeping me busy but I haven't forgotten my potager! Each year is different, and this year my cucumbers didn't work. I planted them and it was either too cold or too hot, but they...
30 juillet 2016

Légumes Farcis

Légumes Farcis
Légumes à farcir: tomates, courgettes, aubergines, poivrons 500g. de chair à saucisse2 oignons hachés2 gousses d'ail hachés2 oeufs1 ou 2 tomates, pelées, épépinées et hachéesChapelure, lait, persil, herbes de provence, poivreHuile d'oliveFromage râpé...
27 juillet 2016

Sweet summer abundance

Sweet summer abundance
It is mid-July and my kitchen garden or potager begins to offer an abundance of sun-drenched vegetables: a wide variety of tomatoes, white and yellow zucchini, eggplant, piment des landes (a long sweet pepper) and Batavia lettuce which are somewhat sun-resistant....
26 juillet 2016

July in my potager

July in my potager
Early July and the Kakao tomatoes and Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes sown from seed are growing beautifully. Marmande tomatoes are promising to be giant and productive. Mid-July and the Kakao tomatoes are ripening nicely as are the melons Match. They...
14 juillet 2015

July in my potager

July in my potager
Now into the second year of my gardening experiment, the results are positive and it is absolutly possible to have a vegetable garden in the city. By respecting certain basic gardening principles such as preparing the soil in the fall/winter, mulching,...
Royki's Little Garden
Royki's Little Garden
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