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Royki's Little Garden

5 juin 2019

Cloud Pruning


I was suddenly inspired this morning to prune my old arbousier, or strawberry tree, into a 'Niwaki' cloud tree. Geneviève, a friend of mine who has a pretty Mediterranean-style garden, had pruned one of her olive trees this way and it looks amazing! I had already cut down part of the tree before installing my herbs because it had become too big for anything to grow at it's feet and was waiting for the gardener to come and cut the rest. Luckily our rendez-vous had been postponed or I wouldn't have been able to do this! 
It took me all morning and much imagination to shape my tree, but I was able to determine the basic structure which will support five "clouds." My tree has large leaves so I will be making large round shapes rather than flat shapes. To begin, I decided what size and form I wanted my tree to be. Then I began determining which branches to keep and which ones to remove or shorten according to where I wanted each of my cloud shapes. I started cleaning up the center of the tree, removing unwanted twigs and dead branches to expose my tree's main branches. Then I began forming my clouds and shortening certain branches where I wanted a cloud form to be, always taking a step back to evaluate my progress. It is better to work slowly because once a branch is removed, you can't put it back! 
I really like the effect on this tree. It's pruned back shape will allow sun and rain to fall on my herbs, while highlighting the sinuous form of it's branches and turns a pretty tree into a sculptural element in my garden! 
22 mars 2019

C'est le printemps !


C'est officiel, c'est le printemps et je suis heureuse d'avoir nettoyé mon potager. Tout est prêt pour les plantations, sauf le carré de fraises qui recevra la courge ! Le cerisier à fleur a subi une taille sévère cet hiver pour le rajeunir, et j'ai gardé toutes les branches qui serviront de tuteurs pour mes pois. :) Bien que les après-midi soient chaudes, il y a de la gelée le matin, petit rappel que la neige n'est pas loin. 


Mes laitues résistent au gel du matin et mes blettes ont survécu tout l'hiver et prospèrent dans les chaudes après-midi. Elles sont presque trop jolies pour être récoltées car  dans mon potager ce sont les seules choses qui poussent en ce moment, mais je les adore gratinées!


Pour mes plants de pois gourmands demi-nains, l’astuce consiste à insérer les branches en les croisant comme un support pour leur croissance. Les chats de la maison trouve tout ça passionnant et me suis partout ! :) Il n'y a plus les jolies bordures en bois qui n'ont pas resister longtemps. A la place j'ai planté quatre pieds de rosiers nain, pour enjoliver. 


A l'intérieur, tout pousse une semaine après le semis, sauf les aubergines et deux courgettes, qui ne tarderont pas à sortir le bout de leurs nez ! Maintenant il n'y a plus qu'attendre la fin du mois d'avril et mai pour les sortir et les installer au potager ! Soucieuse d'être éco-responsable et de recycler, tous les godets en plastique proviennnent de la récupération de mes fleurs annuelles plantait auparavant dans le jardin que j'ai gardé à cet usage. ;)

16 mars 2019

La préparation du potager commence à l'intérieur. ;)


La préparation de mon potager commence à l'intérieur, et plus précisément dans une salle de bain libérer juste à temps par une amie venue rester un mois chez moi. C'est mi-mars et c'est le moment de préparer mes semis de tomates et autres légumes de soleil à l'intérieur, bien au chaud. :)

Cette année j'essaye deux nouvelles variétés de tomates; Ananas: gros fruits denses pour les salades, et Russe: gros fruits juteux à farcir. Pour compléter, je reste fidèle à la variété de tomates cerises Supersweet 100, particulièrement productif et savoureux.

Cette année, beaucoup de courgettes ! Les deux années précédentes ont été très décevantes avec des plantes achetées dans le commerce. J'ai semé des jaunes, des vertes, des rondes pour varier les plaisirs ! J'ai aussi semé quatre pieds de concombre Byblos parce que j'adore en salade avec les tomates cerise, et quatre pieds d'aubergines pour les ratatouilles, currys, beignets et tagines. Les aubergines sont les stars de l'été !

Puis grande nouveauté cette année, un pied de courge musquée ou potiron, vu chez une amie et que je trouve tellement beau ! Je laisse reposer mon carré de fraises, les printemps sont devenu trop chauds et trop secs, et c'est là que la courge trouvera sa place. À moi les bonnes soupes tout l'hiver ! ;)

Pour distinguer les différents semis, j'ai acheté des pics d'apéritif dans diverses couleurs qui me permettent de les coder par couleur, rouge pour les tomates, vert pour les courgettes, etc. C'est bien jolis les étiquettes écrit à la main, mais pour un mois et demi je cherche à simplifier ! ;) Je teste cette année une autre nouveauté: j'ai semé deux graines dans chaque godet, pour ne pas avoir à repiquer mes plantules. J'arracherais la plus faible des deux, et puis hop ! Un travail en moins ! :) Avant la fin du mois je sèmerais directement sur place les pois gourmands demi-nain Normand et les épinards. 

Tout ça me fait rêver, et quand on jardine on passe beaucoup de temps à rêver, surtout l'hiver en choisissant ses graines et à les planter ! On espère beaucoup, beaucoup... 


SEMIS 2019:

Tomate Ananas
Tomate Russe
Tomate Supersweet 100
Aubergine de Barbentane
Concombre Byblos
Courgette Verte Non Coureuse des Maraîchers
Courgette Orelia (jaune)
Courgette Satelite (rond)
Courge Musquée de Provence
Pois demi-nain mangetout Normand
Epinard Veneto

8 avril 2018

Strange things


EEK!! I have found some very strange mushrooms growing in my garden. After some research, they are Clathus Ruber. Strangest thing I've ever seen!


Clathus Ruber at different stages of maturity.


April also means spring is here in all of it's glorious color and I could spend hours observing my garden coming to life! 


30 mars 2018

Spring is in the air


March means my flowering cherry try and magnolia solangeana welcome spring with flamboyant blossoms of pink chiffon and absolutely delight me year after year! I cannot figure out why everyone doesn't have them in their gardens! This year I have planted two prune trees and the Mirabelle is also showing off some pretty white blossoms. I love prunes, and the varieties I have planted are Mirabelle de Nancy and Reine Claude d'Orée. My snow peas have been sown as well as spinach and battavia lettuces. I must remember to try and prepare the soil in the fall and cover it with a tarpaulin rather than in the spring. The soil is heavy and the weeds were having a party so it's a lot more work. I have finally gotten the strawberry patch cleaned up and mulched and my potatoes planted.


This year my little potatoes which I saved from last year really sprouted early. Got them in the ground and hoping all goes well! Wait and see...

15 août 2017

August tomatoes!


August is tomato heaven in the garden. This year's newcomers are Rose de Bearne, Black Cherry tomatoes, and St. Pierre tomatoes. They are much smaller than last year so I'm not sure what that man sold me at the plant market (maybe Marmande)! They are still quite meaty and have the same flattish shape though. Got a lot of potatoes and sweet peppers, though bell peppers were an unsuccessful try. This year's stars are definitely snow peas, potatoes, sweet peppers, and Black Cherry tomatoes.


Black Cherry tomatoes, Rose de Bearne, Saint Pierre, and Kakao. My Rose de Bearne tomatoes were not exceptionally productive, so I won't be planting them again, but they sure are cute and sexy! Black Cherry tomatoes are beautiful and flavorful and are my favorite for salads!

6 juillet 2017

In my garden grows...


2017 is peas and potatoes! I have been away for a while with so many things keeping me busy but I haven't forgotten my potager! Each year is different, and this year my cucumbers didn't work. I planted them and it was either too cold or too hot, but they disappeared! Oh well, I'll try again!  Other things have been wildly successful. I sowed an entire row of snow peas and they grew well and I was getting bags of peas every few days in May, 3 kilos !  Another great success are my potatoes. Last year I put the smallest ones away in a paper bag in the bottom of my refridgerator, and planted them when they had sprouted end of March. I got two rows and now in July I am getting these cutesies !! I dig up just what I need and I love them best boiled and drizzled with good olive oil and a bit of salt. If I have time I also like to chop up lots of fresh herbs like chives, parsley, mint and add salt and olive oil to pass around. I see these little gold nuggets as a gift from nature as they spontaneously grew out of nowhere last year! A year later I have basketfulls of potatoes! Thank you Mother Nature! :D



27 avril 2017

April showers bring may flowers


And strawberries, and peas and potatoes... I have planted a full row of snow peas demi-nain Normand and two rows of little potatoes I had saved from last year and everything is growing splendidly! I am renewing my strawberry plants so I won't be picking as many as last year. :( That's what makes this garden project so intresting. Each year is different!

1 octobre 2016

Green tomatoes


September coming to an end and cooler nights means time to pick green tomatoes and this year I have plenty!! Growing up in southern USA I had always heard about fried green tomatoes but I had never eaten a green tomato. Ever. As I have mostly green cherry tomatoes and after searching the internet I have opted for two recipes: green tomato jam and green tomato chutney. I have tested both and they are yum yum yummy for my (and your) tummy!! Recipes coming soon. ;)

4 septembre 2016

Itsy bitsy spiders


EEEK!!! Like most people, I used to hate spiders! That was until I discovered what efficient aphid control agents they are. This year a few spiders have elected to work hard among my tomato plants keeping them pest-free. So now I just leave them alone and let them do their job cleaning up my tomato plants as they are really quite unobtrusive. In France we call these helpful little animals auxilaires du jardin meaning garden assistants and they include ladybugs, hedgehogs, bees, earthworms and many more. They make gardening much easier by keeping my plants and soil healthy. 

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Royki's Little Garden
Royki's Little Garden
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