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Royki's Little Garden
22 mars 2019

C'est le printemps !

C'est le printemps !
C'est officiel, c'est le printemps et je suis heureuse d'avoir nettoyé mon potager. Tout est prêt pour les plantations, sauf le carré de fraises qui recevra la courge ! Le cerisier à fleur a subi une taille sévère cet hiver pour le rajeunir, et j'ai gardé...
14 juillet 2015

July in my potager

July in my potager
Now into the second year of my gardening experiment, the results are positive and it is absolutly possible to have a vegetable garden in the city. By respecting certain basic gardening principles such as preparing the soil in the fall/winter, mulching,...
9 mars 2016

A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day
March is being true to it's nature and alternating sunshine and giboulées de mars, but as they say, spring showers bring May flowers. So why not talk about material. This year I have decided to diversify my squash and tomato varieties, after all, if you're...
16 mars 2019

La préparation du potager commence à l'intérieur. ;)

La préparation du potager commence à l'intérieur. ;)
La préparation de mon potager commence à l'intérieur, et plus précisément dans une salle de bain libérer juste à temps par une amie venue rester un mois chez moi. C'est mi-mars et c'est le moment de préparer mes semis de tomates et autres légumes de soleil...
13 avril 2015

Mon jardin magique

Mon jardin magique
Il y a quelque temps j'ai jeté des pommes de terre ratatinées au composte. Surprise, elles sont en train de pousser dans le composteur !! Donneront-t-elles des pommes de terre? Wait and see !! Le poirier nain est en fleurs et le figuier pousse des feuilles...
17 mai 2015

Mai au jardin

Mai au jardin
Voici venu le joli mois de mai ! Les rosiers donnent leurs floraisons avec abondance et le temps s'adoucisse (quoiqu'il a fait très chaud en avril). Cette année j'ai trouvé des jolis pieds de poirée de couleur pour égayer le potager (ainsi que les soupes...
18 août 2015

Nature's abundance

Nature's abundance
Mi-aout et mon potager donne généreusement. Bien que je n'aie réussi à faire pousser qu'un seul pied de haricot à rames mangetout, il a déjà donné 2kg d'haricots. Un seul pied de concombre et trois pieds de tomates cerise et j'ai des salades tomate-concombre...
27 juillet 2016

Sweet summer abundance

Sweet summer abundance
It is mid-July and my kitchen garden or potager begins to offer an abundance of sun-drenched vegetables: a wide variety of tomatoes, white and yellow zucchini, eggplant, piment des landes (a long sweet pepper) and Batavia lettuce which are somewhat sun-resistant....
30 juillet 2016

Légumes Farcis

Légumes Farcis
Légumes à farcir: tomates, courgettes, aubergines, poivrons 500g. de chair à saucisse2 oignons hachés2 gousses d'ail hachés2 oeufs1 ou 2 tomates, pelées, épépinées et hachéesChapelure, lait, persil, herbes de provence, poivreHuile d'oliveFromage râpé...
15 mars 2015

Qui sème récolte

Qui sème récolte
It's that time of year!! Time to begin preparing for les beaux jours !! This year I am trying Tomates Coeur de Boeuf "Corazon" a disease resistant hybrid and my Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes. In addition to zucchini, I am sowing eggplant and cucumbers....
29 mai 2016

Merry month of may

Merry month of may
May is coming to an end and the snow peas have become sturdy and are just beginning to flower. I am trying a new and taller variety as I found last year's dwarf variety to be a bit fragile and am hoping for stronger healthier plants. Today is cool and...
26 juillet 2016

July in my potager

July in my potager
Early July and the Kakao tomatoes and Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes sown from seed are growing beautifully. Marmande tomatoes are promising to be giant and productive. Mid-July and the Kakao tomatoes are ripening nicely as are the melons Match. They...
28 août 2016

Laure's savory cherry tomato tart

Laure's savory cherry tomato tart
This year has been a cherry tomato festival!! Two Super-sweet 100 and one yellow cherry tomato plants have been producing so many tomatoes that eating them in salads alone is challenging. This is one of my favorite savory tart recipes, shared to me by...
4 mars 2016

Sowing tomato seeds indoors

Sowing tomato seeds indoors
Sowing tomatoes indoors is very easy. In late Winter or early Spring, fill small terrines, small plastic trays, with a special non enriched compost leveling off at the edge and press lightly to compact. As I sow several varieties in the same tray, I sow...
2 juin 2015

Rainbows and pots of gold

Rainbows and pots of gold
Waouh !!! C'est tellement chouette de récolter un arc-en-ciel dans son jardin !! "Think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile, but they're free..." -Maybe Tomorrow, Stereophonics- Poirées or bettes? Both but as they are of the same family as beets,...
15 août 2017

August tomatoes!

August tomatoes!
August is tomato heaven in the garden. This year's newcomers are Rose de Bearne, Black Cherry tomatoes, and St. Pierre tomatoes. They are much smaller than last year so I'm not sure what that man sold me at the plant market (maybe Marmande)! They are...
30 mars 2018

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air
March means my flowering cherry try and magnolia solangeana welcome spring with flamboyant blossoms of pink chiffon and absolutely delight me year after year! I cannot figure out why everyone doesn't have them in their gardens! This year I have planted...
2 septembre 2016

Gems from my garden

Gems from my garden
Growing tomatoes this year has been particularly intresting as I have tried a wide variety of color and form! Each one has proved to be vigorous, healthy and extremely generous. Bronze colored Kakao tomatoes, deliciously sweet, in salads, Yellow Pearshaped...
10 août 2016

Kakao tomatoes (Noir de Crimée)

Kakao tomatoes (Noir de Crimée)
Ah la la !! I could name this tomato "black beauty" but it has a more charming name: Kakao or "cocoa." A new tomato in my potager and is definitely my favorite for salads or simply sliced and tossed with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and some fines herbes....
23 mars 2015

En attendant les beaux jours

En attendant les beaux jours
Voilà mes bébés plantes de concombres et courgettes repiqué en godet. Les concombres atteignant le haut du mini-serre c'était devenu urgent !! Les tomates seront repiqué à la fin du mois quand elles auront deux vraies feuilles. Les aubergines quand à...
6 juillet 2017

In my garden grows...

In my garden grows...
2017 is peas and potatoes! I have been away for a while with so many things keeping me busy but I haven't forgotten my potager! Each year is different, and this year my cucumbers didn't work. I planted them and it was either too cold or too hot, but they...
8 mai 2016

Berry good!

Berry good!
Now is when my potager becomes truly fun! Since the beginning of the week I have gathered 925g of strawberries, a nice bowl every day. I pick them when they are a rosy red and leave them in the kitchen all night and the next day they are usually dark...
17 mai 2015

Fresh strawberries

Fresh strawberries
Mi-mai et au lieu des poignées de fraises ce sont des bols de fraises que je ramasse tous les deux jours ! Délicieux trempé dans de sucre vanillé très fin, en salade de fruits, dans un yaourt velouté... et pour changer de la sempiternelle tomate-mozzarelle...
1 octobre 2016

Green tomatoes

Green tomatoes
September coming to an end and cooler nights means time to pick green tomatoes and this year I have plenty!! Growing up in southern USA I had always heard about fried green tomatoes but I had never eaten a green tomato. Ever. As I have mostly green cherry...
27 avril 2017

April showers bring may flowers

April showers bring may flowers
And strawberries, and peas and potatoes... I have planted a full row of snow peas demi-nain Normand and two rows of little potatoes I had saved from last year and everything is growing splendidly! I am renewing my strawberry plants so I won't be picking...
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Royki's Little Garden
Royki's Little Garden
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